Research Summary研究科概要
The Joint Division of Advanced Preventive Medicine,Graduate School of Advanced Preventive Medicine has been established at Kanazawa University in April,2016.
The Joint Division of Advanced Preventive Medicine is a four-year doctoral course with a joint curriculum across three component universities - Chiba University, Kanazawa University and Nagasaki University.
The joint curriculum effectively mutually utilizes the educational research resources of multiple public and private universities with the objective of further promoting the enhancement and strengthening of education, research and social contribution through cooperation among the higher education institutions that organize the curriculum on a joint basis. At completion, students will receive a degree listing the names of all three component universities.
- ●幅広い視野と創造性,自立性,倫理観を備えて,人の健康に強い関心と研究への意欲を持つ人
- ●社会人として医療系の職場や保健行政等の職場などで経験を積み,自己の職場を基軸とした「個別化予防」を実践したい人
Admission Policy
In the Division of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences, for the purpose of nurturing specialists capable of practicing“ advanced preventive medicine” aiming at personalized prevention by comprehensively covering from zero prevention to tertiary prevention, exhaustively analyze and evaluate the characteristics of individuals and the environment from omics information to macro environment information as a new methodology based on the conventional hygiene and public health fields, we are seeking the following students.
- ●Those with a wide range of perspectives and creativity, autonomy, ethics, strong interest in human health and motivation for research
- ●Those who wish to practice “Personalized Prevention” based at his/her workplace, accumulating experience at workplace such as a medical site or a health administration office, etc. as working adults
As a basic policy of selection, we comprehensively judge and select whether you have sufficient qualifications to acquire advanced knowledge and skills. We will judge “whether you have fundamental knowledge and English ability related to human health” in a written exam. Also, in the interview exam (major subject), we confirm“ whether you have basic qualifications necessary for this joint division.”

- ●先進予防医学の基盤となる「医療統計学・疫学」「生命倫理」「環境と遺伝」といった学問基盤に関する科目群を設けるとともに,非医療系分野からの入学者には,基本的な医学知識を修得する科目を必履修させます。
- ●0次予防から3次予防までを包括した「個別化予防」を実践するための方法論を修得させるために,「オミクス解析」「情報医工学」「マクロ環境」等の科目群を設けています。
- ●複雑化した医療現場・社会の課題解決に向け,修得した専門知識を活用し,実践できる力を身に付けさせるために,国内・海外の多様なフィールド実習の科目群を設けています。
- ●学位論文作成においては,知識の修得段階に応じた研究力を強化する科目を含め,構成大学の教員が体系的な研究指導を行います。
Curriculum Policy
In the Division of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences, we construct the following curriculum so that students can acquire advanced knowledge, technique and the ability to practice them.
- ●We establish a subject group on academic foundations such as“Medical Statistics and Epidemiology,” “Bioethics,” and “Environment and Heredity,” which are the foundation of advanced preventive medicine. In addition, students from the non-medical field must take subjects to acquire basic medical knowledge.
- ●In order to acquire the methodology for practicing “Personalized Prevention” that comprehensively covers from zero prevention to tertiary prevention, the following subject group has been set up: “Omics Information,” “Engineering Technology and Medical Informatics,” “Macro Environments,” etc.
- ●In order to solve problems of complicated medical scenes and the society, we have established a variety of domestic and international field study subjects for acquiring the ability to utilize expertise and do actual practice.
- ●Faculty members of the constituent universities will conduct systematic research guidance, including subjects that strengthen research capabilities corresponding to the stage of acquiring knowledge to write the dissertation.

- ●個人や環境の特性を網羅的に分析・評価し,0次予防から3次予防までを包括して個別化予防を目指す「先進予防医学」を実践することができる。
- ●「先進予防医学」を実践し,多様で複雑化する医療現場・社会において生じている様々な課題を,高度な知見と技術をもって,解決に導くことができる能力を身に付けている。
Diploma Policy
In the Division of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences, we will confer a doctoral degree (Ph. D. in Medical Sciences) to those who reached the following learning outcomes, acquired prescribed credits, and passed the peer review and final examination of doctoral dissertation.
Learning Outcomes (Target Qualities)
- ●To be able to exhaustively analyze and evaluate the feature of individuals and the environment, and to practice “advanced preventive medicine” aiming at personalized prevention by covering from zero prevention to tertiary prevention.
- ●To acquire the ability to practice “advanced preventive medicine,” to lead various issues to solutions in diverse and complicated medical sites and the society with advanced knowledge and technology